EMP / SFM Museum is open[museums, zoos, & aquariums]
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Friday, March 4, 2016

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For little kids!
Ironically, underneath a rather amorphous design lies two distinct museums. The Experience Music Project (EMP) and the Science Fiction Museum (SFM). However, the good news for you the visitor is that you can easily walk between the exhibits. The EMP side of the house is a bit more experiential than the SFM side. Within the walls of EMP you'll be able to play with musical instruments and experiment with hands-on activities. On the SFM side of things you'll be able to check out really cool artifacts from Sci-fi movies, tv shows, and literature. Overall, expect to spend an hour to 90 minutes here. And one of the best places to chill and relax is the Sky Church Theatre - there they play videos on a huge indoor screen - and you'll find yourself probably chilling for 30 minutes or so watching all the great bands they feature.
Visit like a pro!
EMP / SFM Museum is open
