Jonathan Biss[music and concerts]
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

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Jonathan Biss, whom The New Yorker describes as playing with “unerring sophistication,” made his New York Philharmonic debut in 2001 when he was 20 years old. Since then he has appeared with the foremost orchestras of North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. His virtuosity and spirit have been recognized since he began playing, having won multiple awards, including Lincoln Center’s Martin E. Segal Award, The Avery Fisher Prize and Leonard Bernstein Award. Constantly striving to challenge himself, Biss is on his fourth volume of Beethoven’s Sonatas and hopes to record all 32 by 2020. NPR said of Biss’ Beethoven project that “Biss unreels the music like a prayer to the universe.” He returns to Meany Hall for the first time in over a decade.
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Jonathan Biss
