Reaching Beyond The Veil A Group Reading[plays and performances]
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Sunday, October 19, 2014

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Profile PicSpookedinSeattlw

Join me at Spooked in Seattle for a night of Mediumship. I will be there from 4pm to 5pm facilitating a group reading for all who choose to come and participate! It will be a night of healing messages from the other side. In the one hour slot we will have together, I will open myself up to the messages of the loved ones in the other side who wish to speak with their respective friends and family in the audience. We will share their messages together, heal and laugh and remember together Please be mindful that this is a public event and what comes through from the other side will be shared with the audience! I will do a short introduction about myself and my work and proceed to pass on messages as they happen with care to be as truthful to the energy of those in the other side as I can. Also please understand that this is a Group Reading, unlike my one on one sessions I Cannot make sure all who come will get a message from the other side. This event will take place at Spooked in Seattle Sunday June 29th 2014 from 4pm to 5pm. We ask for a small donation in place of a ticket purchase, and an open mind to have a connection to the other side, or at least witness one! Spooked in Seattle is located at 102 cherry street in Pioneer's square! ( Corner of first and Cherry). I hope to see you there!
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 Reaching Beyond The Veil A Group Reading
